Friday, June 15, 2007

Kudos to my Fans/Friends/Supporters

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to give all of you who've been checking out my site this week (or at any time) a big THANK YOU! I got the most visits this week in the history of my site! That's really exciting for me and I owe it all to you! I'd give you a big piece of cake if I could, but since I haven't found a way to send real cake over the Internet, and it would probably spoil if I sent it via snail-mail, so you'll just have to live with a digital picture of it.

But seriously, thanks for checking out my little chunk of the Internet. I hope to keep things interesting by posting a variety of topics, so please do check back regularly, and if your a blog junkie, you might try subscribing to my blog, with a news reader (like Google Reader). That way you can get up-to-the-minute updates when I or other blogs you subscribe to post new articles. I didn't have a clue what News Readers were good for until I realized I was manually checking out several blogs every day and was spending too much time finding my links to them, or worse, typing the name of the site manually, Then I discovered Google Reader and now I just open my Reader page, and like magic, all the recent, unread posts of all of the 20 or so sites, I regularly read are there waiting for me! It's kind of like checking email, but it's actually the posts from the various sites I like. It's fun and addictive and now I have yet another reason to like Google and the Internet. Also, if anyone wants a Gmail account, let me know - I can probably hook you up!

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