Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry'ed Potter

Just to jump on the Harry Potter bandwagon. I figured I'd do a post on the latest, and last(?) Harry Potter book, the Deathly Hallows. It's in stores at midnight and available online now (though it won't ship until tomorrow). At any rate, just for the record, I haven't seen the latest H.P. Movie yet (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix). I'm probably one of about 20 people in the world who hasn't seen it yet. I actually have never READ any of the books, preferring to see the movies instead. Stop screaming at me all you Harry loyalists, who claim the books are better!!! They probably are, but I just never read any and figure why buck tradition now! Perhaps after they've made all 7 books into movies, I'll go back and actually read the books, but don't hold me to it.

1 comment:

  1. And I have seen none of the Potter films although I have read all the books (with #7 on order). I generally am disappointed by the film versions of good books and plays. The rare exception for me was over 30 years ago when I found the movie version of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five to be both true to the book and brilliant.

    - Leon
