Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Killing of the Mocking Bird at CCPT

To my special Thespian Leon, and the rest of my readers and friends at CCPT and beyond, I'm finally posting a bunch of photos I took at the wonderful final performance of To Kill a Mockingbird". I really and truly enjoyed the show and I'm VERY impressed with the three young actors playing roles in it. Of course all the actors were really great and it was like visiting with my family because I knew several of the actors from my involvement last year. Special Kudos to Leon, Eric, Milton, Hilary and Dean! On an emotional level it's a hard play to watch because of some of the themes address in the story, but it was performed well by all and I am deeply moved. Enjoy my slideshow (yes Leon, even though I'm not Jewish, a little guilt can be effective). Great job by all and of course I wish everyone MUCH SUCCESS in their life journey's whereever that may take you!

--Rex Hoss

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Rex! The photos are fantastic (as usual)!!!! I'll give this a plug on my site. And stop by to see what I did to the back of my head for a job this week. :~D
