Saturday, August 9, 2008

R.I.P. Bernie Mac

Wow, I as actually stunned and saddened to hear of Bernie Mac's passing today. I have this reaction because a few years ago when I was starting out in my acting career, I had the pleasure of being booked as a featured extra in the move "Guess Who" staring Bernie Mac and Aston Kucher. I was mostly seen in the marriage-re commitment ceremony scene near the end of the movie. I was struck by Bernie's professionalism and his concern for all the the people on the set. There was on night where all the actors were waiting for some technical things to be worked out. As the cast set ready to shoot in the cold night air of a backyard set, Bernie came out at about 1am to talk to the cast. It actually turned into an impromptu stand up routine for him and he had us all laughing and feeling better. I was so impressed that a star of his level would take the time to come out and entertain everyone for nearly an hour while we waited. This was above and beyond and cemented my opinion of him being a truly great person. On another day of the taping, I got positioned near Bernie for a scene and in between takes he struck up a conversation with me. It was simple talk, but it made me realize that this man was aware of, and grateful for, all the people who help him and work with him.

I later got to do some extra work on his TV show for an episode called "The Bah Mitzvah" where I played a Jewish parent in several scenes for the show. I feel a connection to him and am truly saddened that a great person, and wonderful entertainer has left us.

R.I.P. Bernie

--Rex Hoss

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