Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Note or two about Notes!

Well, it's been a very sporadic couple of months for me regarding my blog posting for various reasons we won't go into here, but those of you who check back regularly are GREATLY appreciated. I do however have some Notable Notes Worth Noting (very blatant nod to my role as Balthasar last year in Much Ado About Nothing). I've been cast as a drunkard in a new feature film called "Notes from the New World" from VM Productions which is written, Directed and Produced by Vitaly Sumin! It's based on a book called "Notes from the Underground" by a Russian author named Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Additionally, I've also been hired to be a 'behind the scenes' still photographer for the film as well! This is so exciting for me because I am getting to work on two of my great passions in the same project - Acting and photography! I have to give a shout out to Devorah Dishigton who I first met while working on The Smelly Janitor with Trent. Devorah, who's also in the film, suggested that I come and audition for "Notes". They had a few minor speaking roles available. Well, I did the audition and got one of the roles. Big Thank you to Devorah!!!

I'll have more to say about the film as it progresses. For now I'm mostly acting as a photographer during our weekly rehearsals. I've taken a few of the actors photographs found on the film's website, and I'm sure I'll be contributing more as things progress. Filming will start sometime in April. I'm very excited and honored to be a part of the film.

--By Rex Hoss

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  1. Congratulations to both you and Devorah!!--Sarah Logan (from "The Smelly Janitor") Say "hi" to Devorah for me if you see her. I've not been in touch, as I've been quite busy and the l'il tumbler is rumbling about. I do my best, and you're all in my thoughts.

  2. Double Congratulations Rex! You're on the way!

  3. Hey, that is so great. We cant wait to see the film and hear about the progress. If you need any pyro or special effects for the film, my brother Steve Newquist is in 2 unions for, theatre, TV & Movies. Sonja & Rene Troncoso

  4. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Notebook, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
