Monday, July 28, 2008

100 pushups in 6 weeks - Week 2

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled upon an interesting website call 100 push ups which is a site devoted to teaching us mere mortals how to go from nearly zero to 100 consecutive push ups in only six weeks!!! It sounded interesting and since my gym membership was canceled several years ago, (but I've been trying to 'home-gym' myself into better health) decided to give it a try. Because after all, it promises to help you achieve the goal no matter what your starting level is.  So you start by doing an initial test of how may push ups you can do non-stop, to exhaustion.  Well I managed to do 30 which I was a little surprised at since the average for out-of-shape, regular guys appears to be about 12.  Well I'm happy to report that at my two week test which I just completed, I managed 40 before I fell to the floor in a sweaty heap!  So, I can happily report that I do seem to be making a gain. It remains to be seen where I'll be at the end of the sixth week (let alone the next two weeks). The workout, is actually pretty easy, so far. But it's been only having me do between 10-17 push ups at a time. This week which I'll start tomorrow, the number bumps up nearer my point of exhaustion - so we'll see how it goes.  
Wish me luck - I'll be reporting my progress as the weeks pass.  If you want to try it yourself, follow the links above, and of course, let me know you're starting and we can cheer each other on.
--Rex Hoss

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